GKC Infotech Institute

“Keep your face always toward the sunshine—and shadows will fall behind you.”

GKC Infotech Institute

“Extraordinary things are always hiding in places people never think to look.”

GKC Infotech Institute

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”

GKC Infotech Institute

“You can have it all. Just not all at once.”

GKC Infotech Institute

“Say something positive, and you’ll see something positive.”

pendriver bootable in command whithout any software

1            TYPE CMD      ENTER
2             DISKPART     ENTER
3            LIST DISK      ENTER
4           SELECT DISK 1 ENTER
5           CLEAN   ENTER
8           ACTIVE    ENTER



ayiye ajj mai batata hu ki bhagwan hai es dunia me

1:-. "अमरनाथजी " में शिवलिंग अपने आप
बनता है|
2:-. "माँ ज्वालामुखी" में
हमेशा ज्वाला निकलती है|
3:-. "मैहर माता मंदिर" में रात
को आल्हा अब भी आते हैं|
4:-. सीमा पर स्थित तनोट माता मंदिर
में 3000 बम में से एक
का ना फूटना|
5:-. इतने बड़े हादसे के बाद भी "केदारनाथ
मंदिर" का बाल
ना बांका होना|
6:-. पूरी दुनियां मैं आज भी सिर्फ
"रामसेतु के पत्थर" पानी में तैरते
7:-. "रामेश्वरम धाम" में सागर
का कभी उफान न मारना|
8:-. "पुरी के मंदिर" के ऊपर से
किसी पक्षी या विमान का न
9:-. "पुरी मंदिर"
की पताका हमेशा हवा के विपरीत
दिशा में
10:-. उज्जैन में "भैरोंनाथ"
का मदिरा पीना|
11:-. गंगा और नर्मदा माँ (नदी) के
पानी का कभी खराब न होना|
12:-. उनाई (तापी) में 40° गर्म पानी 365
दिन जमींन से
निकलना जहा भगवान राम
ने योगी के कुष्ठ रोग ठीक करने के लिए गर्म
पानी बाण मार कर
जमींन से
निकाला था|
13.. भीमगोडा(village JAGSA ke pass)
(सिवाना, बाङमेर ) जहा पांडव श्री भीम
ने वनवास के समय माता कुंती को प्यास
लगी तब पहाड़ को गोडा (घुटना) मारकर
पानी निकाला था जहाँ आज भी 365 दिन
अमृत समान पानी निकलता हैं । भले
ही कितना भी अकाल हो, और भयंकर
के दिनों में भी यह पानी बंद नही
14 चित्तोडगढ बाण माताजी मन्दिर मे
आरती के वक्त त्रिशूल का अपने आप
हिलना (कम्पन) करना भी एक
जीता जागता चमत्कार है

How to Repair Corrupted BIOS

Check this section, we have the time, when the power is on to get the signal from Cpu. But motherboard no display, then check the BIOS circuit as follows.

bios pin detail

  • Check this section, we have the time, when the power is on to get the signal from Cpu. But motherboard no display, then check the circuit as follows.
  • First, check the BIOS IC will supply VDD pin 3.3v. 3.3v supply is missing. The VRM / SMPS circuit to drive the supply will check for open circuit.
  • VDD pin of the IC is to get on the positive supply, this will check the reset and clock signal on the pin.
  • Reset and clock signal is found, it will check the data on the data pin DQ1 the DQ7. If you can not find the data on the data pin, inside the store the BIOS file is bad. To re-program it.
  • While the program, the program is to get the message to Fail, ROM IC is bad. Change it.
How to bios Re Program
If you put a new Rom Ic,  Acess Time should be identical to that of ic.   Blank Ic first, by the programmer to program  Will on the motherboard.

laptop hang problam

Yes, the fan, if plugged into the headers on the Motherboard, should be spinning. Even PWM controlled fans spin unless you manually disable them.
What kind of Laptop do you have? Usually, there's more than 1 fan header in Desktop Motherboard and You can always plug in the fan into a different fan header on the Motherboard to test the fan. but on Laptop motherboard there is only one header socket.
The one that is labeled CPU fan is to monitor and control it through the bios. If you fan isn't spinning when you boot up your Laptop, go into the bios, manually override the fan setting to spin at 100% all the time. If it doesn't spin, then there's a problem. Either your fan or the fan controller PWM circuit on the motherboard.
basically CPU fan has three to four pin connector/jack and different color wire.
fan connector placement is shown in the figures below:
Pin #Signal FunctionWire Color
1CPU Fan PWMGreen
2CPU Fan InYellow
3CPU Fan PowerRed
Pin Name Color
1 GND black
2 +5VDC yellow
3 Sense green
4 Control blue
CPU fans may use it 3-pin or 4-pin power connectors. 3-pin connectors are usually used for the smaller fans with lower power consumption and 4-pin connectors are usually used by CPU fans with higher power consumption. Fans and on-board fan headers are backwards compatible.
if now your fan not spinning even if it is proper plugged in on laptop motherboard, and your bios is fine
then first of all you should have to check fan with a 5v battery or you can use little high voltage battery like 9v but at this time don't connect fan with battery for a long time, that can damage fan.
to check a CPU fan with a battery just leave sensor pin free(no connected) and connect it's positive terminal with battery +ve point and GUN pin of fan connect with -ve of battery shown in the figures below if Fan start spinning that means CPU fan is ok now the problem has in your laptops motherboard

checking Laptop CPU Cooling Fan using a external battery

laptop keyboard not warking


If you replaced the keyboard and the same exact keys are still not working then you most likely have a system board issue.
But check basic things and make sure before turning to any chip level operation that did you insert the cable properly and is your zip connector or header of keypad is good or broken from anywhere?

Some of my known people who connected with the laptop computer hardware repairing filed but they don't done any chip level work on laptop so they use to send me the faulty laptop for repair in which they feel a chip level issue they do only diagnose and fix only software and common hardware level problem like installation of software, OS and part replacing work replace hard drive, ODD, LCD, Keypad, Touch-pad, Hinge and main board but replacing main board is too much costly.

Some time problem can't get fix after just replacing the part that they think is a faulty spare because they do repair on the basic diagnostic way if keypad not working ( problem can be some keys not working or functioning properly, keypad died not detected at all ) after checked some basic thing like OS issue driver and finally replaces the keypad as usual we all have to do.
But if problem couldn't get fix then its means problem is not a normal issue that will need a chip level operation so as usual they forward me this case. When they come to me most likely they said ''I have replaced the keyboard on this laptop 2, 3, 5 times but sill keypad not working.” These same letters stop working after a while. Replacing the keyboard worked before'' also most of the time same thing happened with mouse touch-pad.
Before I going to tell how can easily repairer this kind of case..I just want to remained you a basic block diagram of laptop motherboard.

As this diagram keypad and touch pad PS/2 controls are controlled by EC chip and if EC chip not present than I/O chip controls the PS/2 control.

Every laptop notebook manufacture uses a different type keypad model and their header for their different laptops models. And there header size and their pin datasheet may not be same. so before wasting your time to get datasheet and any other solution to fix the problem to searching on Google just re-soled the I/O chip and pull up resistor pack capacitor pack or simple SMD resistor which have connected with keypad connector and direct with I/O chip because today laptop manufactures use the I/O chip which have in built EC controller.
You can use hot air blower or a micro iron for re-soldering process… mostly pull up resistor and capacitors has solder nearby the keypad connector or header.

Pay little care if you have not familiar with SMD components.
If after re-soldering can fix you problem then you must have to change the EC or I/O chip